Selenium/standalone-firefox docker on raspberry pi not working: how to use RSelenium on a raspberryPi Selenium/standalone-firefox docker on raspberry pi not working: how to use RSelenium on a raspberryPi docker docker

Selenium/standalone-firefox docker on raspberry pi not working: how to use RSelenium on a raspberryPi

I think there is a missmatch between your app and the os ARCH . Actually it seems like application build for amd64, but you try start it on arm.

so check your Docker / APP versions and make sure they are compatible....

see this and this

You used the docker container incorrectly. You actually can see your container doing docker ps -a, but it is not good. You specified -p argument and didn't pass any port to that, and you passed the image without a tag. Follow the official documentation for this image and try again step by step: