ServiceStack Docker architecture ServiceStack Docker architecture docker docker

ServiceStack Docker architecture

Whilst it isn't Azure-specific we've published a step-by-step guide to publishing ServiceStack .NET Core Docker Apps to Amazon EC2 Container Service which includes no-touch nginx virtual host management by running an Instance of jwilder/nginx-proxy Docker App to automatically generate new nginx Virtual Hosts for newly deployed .NET Core Docker Apps.

The jwilder/nginx-proxy isn't AWS-specific and should work for any Docker solution that explains how it works in its introductory blog post.

Using nginx-proxy is a nice vendor-neutral solution for hosting multiple Docker instances behind the same nginx reverse-proxy, but for Scaling your Docker instances you'll want to use the orchestration features in your preferred cloud provider, e.g. in AWS you can scale the number of compute instances you want in your ECS cluster or utilize Auto Scaling where AWS will automatically scale instances based on usage metrics.

Azure's solution for mangaging Docker Instances is Azure Container Service which lets you scale instance count using the Azure acs command-line tool.

Our company is working on the same thing. We were working with kubernetes and building our own reverse proxy with nodejs. This reverse proxy would read customer settings from a certain cache and redirect you to the right environment.

But Depending on the architecture i would advice to just have 2 environments running with both there relative urls: 1 for production and one for the pilot/test environment. Whenever a customer goes to the pilot environment url he will use the same database but just an upgraded version of the WebApp.

Of course this will not work if working with an ORM and database migrations are included. (Which is probably the case when you are using servicestack)