Serving an NX monorepo of angular apps in Docker-compose Serving an NX monorepo of angular apps in Docker-compose docker docker

Serving an NX monorepo of angular apps in Docker-compose


ARG's are build time variables. You can persist the ARG's value in the images environment during the build or override the services[*].command in the docker-compose.yaml.

Persist in the environment

You can persist an environment variable set from a --build-arg in the images environment during the build:


Build the docker image: docker build --rm --build-arg APP=123 -t so:66935830 .

Run the docker container: docker run --rm -it so:66935830

docker run with environment variable set from --build-arg

Override the command

You can override the command for each service in the docker-compose.yaml:

version: '3.7'services:  a:    image: 'a'    build:      context: '.'    command: ['echo', '123']  b:    image: 'b'    build:      context: '.'    command: ['echo', '456']

docker-compose run command override