'sh: 1: file: not found' when creating a android emulator inside a docker container 'sh: 1: file: not found' when creating a android emulator inside a docker container docker docker

'sh: 1: file: not found' when creating a android emulator inside a docker container

I solved the same problem by using emulator64 instead emulator.
In this case:

emulator64 -avd test-22 -no-skin -no-audio -no-window

I have same issue and i fix this with install file comman via apt. But still not working yet, i will update when i found a solution.

apt-get install  -y --no-install-recommends file libmagic1 libglu1-mesa mesa-utils libpci3 pciutils libpulse0

Edit:I found a solution after add packages to your docker file

add your docker file these commands too

mv /bin/sh /bin/sh.backup cp /bin/bash /bin/sh

And create new container with

--device /dev/dri --device /dev/video0 --device /dev/snd --device /dev/kvm 

Most probably is work now.