Shopware 6 Docker Setup add PHPMyAdmin Shopware 6 Docker Setup add PHPMyAdmin docker docker

Shopware 6 Docker Setup add PHPMyAdmin

Usually phpmyadmin should be in the same network as the database.
Service names are resolved to the IP addresses of the containers, therefore it's recommended to use names allowed by RFC1035 to avoid additional problems.

I removed links:, aliases, depends_on that are deprecated/not required and ended up with this docker-compose.yml.

version: '3.7'services:  app-mysql:    #build: dev-ops/docker/containers/mysql    image: mysql    environment:      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: root      MYSQL_USER: app      MYSQL_PASSWORD: app    networks:      - shopware  phpmyadmin:    image: phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin    ports:        - 8181:80    environment:      PMA_HOST: app-mysql      PMA_PORT: 3306      PMA_ARBITRARY: 1    networks:      - shopwarenetworks:  shopware

Run the containers:

docker-compose up

Open http://localhost:8181/index.php in a browser.Use

Server:    app-mysqlUsername:  rootPassword:  root


enter image description here

It is not an answer, but tryhttp://localhost:8001/it is not phpMyAdmin but it is another tool Adminer :)