Spring Boot can't read application.properties in Docker Spring Boot can't read application.properties in Docker docker docker

Spring Boot can't read application.properties in Docker

You have to add the application.properties file in the docker /app/ directory. Ur docker directory structure will be

app   -main.jar   -application.properties

You can do so by using ADD /ur/local/location/application.properties /app/application.properties

Then better write this command in your docker file

ENTRYPOINT ["java" ,"-Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom --spring.config.location=classpath:file:/app/application-properties","-jar","/app/main.jar"]

Your whole dockerFile should look like this:

FROM java:8-jreVOLUME /tmpCOPY ./mail.jar /app/mail.jarADD /ur/local/location/application.properties /app/application.propertiesENTRYPOINT ["java" ,"-Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom --spring.config.location=classpath:file:/app/application-properties","-jar","/app/main.jar"]EXPOSE 8080

Rename Application.yml to application.yml. It's with reference to the name used in the comments as Application.yml.

Application.yml works well with widows but breaks inside linux containers.

For the context path, you have to add the context path in the properties file.inside the application-default.properties:


Then build your project,

mvn clean install

Then create a docker image and run that image.