Spring Security CORS issue when passing Authorization header [duplicate] Spring Security CORS issue when passing Authorization header [duplicate] docker docker

Spring Security CORS issue when passing Authorization header [duplicate]

I read and understood much more on preflight requests and the way it work.A quick thought i had was to let OPTIONS request to go through so i had added the following code to my WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter.

@Overrideprotected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {    http    .csrf().disable()    .authorizeRequests()    .antMatchers(HttpMethod.OPTIONS,"*").permitAll()//allow CORS option calls    .antMatchers("/oauth/token").permitAll()    .anyRequest().authenticated()    .and()    .formLogin()    .and()    .httpBasic();}

And no extra headers from Angular ui except Authorization.

I hope this works for everyone. I know now that OPTIONS are vulnerable, but this was just a quick workarount.Please suggest me if you have a better, safer solution.