Spring Templates in Docker Container Spring Templates in Docker Container docker docker

Spring Templates in Docker Container

It appears that, by default, docker drops files as being never modified into an image. Spring has put in a sanity check on its templates to see if they've ever been updated. Executing the following commands resolved my problem, and now I'm left thinking that one of these codebases needs a bug report against it.

$ docker exec siteconfiguration_engine_1 bash -c 'touch -m /decision-engine/etc/pages/saga-index.html'$ docker exec siteconfiguration_engine_1 ls -l /decision-engine/etc/pagestotal 4-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 810 Mar 30 02:39 saga-index.html

Here are the bugs that @Rannick created:

If you are following the Spring Boot with Docker guide, the comment about needing to touch the jar is no longer true if you are using the Spotify docker plugin > v0.2.11. The workaround listed in there and in other answers can be discarded.

Source: https://github.com/spotify/docker-maven-plugin/issues/58

I used a workaround that is mentioned in the spring-boot-docker documentation (in the 2nd note)


RUN touch my.jar

to your Dockerfile will solve the problem.