SQL Server connection with Docker and Entity Framework SQL Server connection with Docker and Entity Framework docker docker

SQL Server connection with Docker and Entity Framework

For sharing network between two containers, we could use docker-compose which will create the shared network.

Follow steps below:

  1. docker-compose

    version: '3.4'services:coredocker:    image: coredocker    build:    context: .    dockerfile: CoreDocker/Dockerfilesql.data:    image: microsoft/mssql-server-linux:2017-latest    environment:    - SA_PASSWORD=Pass@word    - ACCEPT_EULA=Y    ports:    - "1433:1433"
  2. appsettings.json

    {    "ConnectionStrings": {        "DefaultConnection": "Server=sql.data,1433;Database=CoreDocker;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;User ID=sa;Password=Pass@word"    },    "Logging": {        "LogLevel": {        "Default": "Warning"        }    },    "AllowedHosts": "*"}

Here are two points:

  1. Change Server=tcp:,1433; to Server=sql.data,1433 which is the service name and port
  2. Remove Trusted_Connection=True;

As this is not clear, I am assuming that both your service and the db are dockerized.

Then first, in the appsettings.json you have to specify the IP-address of the docker host instead of localhost, since localhost only refers to the localhost of the container itself. You might want to read more about docker networking here.

Second, I see no reason to overcomplicate the docker-compose.yml by also specifying an override.yml, but it has to be docker-compose.override.yml instead of docker-compose-override.yml. For debugging it might be helpful to see how a container is really started (especially if using docker-compose) with the help of docker inspect.