Trying to log in to JIRA in Docker container and getting SSL: WRONG_SIGNATURE_TYPE error Trying to log in to JIRA in Docker container and getting SSL: WRONG_SIGNATURE_TYPE error docker docker

Trying to log in to JIRA in Docker container and getting SSL: WRONG_SIGNATURE_TYPE error

Faced similar problem.Find the solution hereJust to sum up:

  1. There is missing dependencies inside container which your own system already has. You should install them inside docker.
  2. Idk how but pyopenssl library should be install to

So, you need to add:

RUN    apt-get update \&& apt-get install openssl \&& apt-get install ca-certificates

In your Dockerfile

And add:


To your requirements.txt

If you don't use requirements.txt just add:

RUN pip install pyopenssl

To your Dockerfile

Hope it'll help

Similar issue happened to me - python tls requests were working fine on my host, but failed with WRONG_SIGNATURE_TYPE once I dockerized my script.

The issue seems to stem from where requests lib uses older TLS stacks with OpenSSL 1.1.1pre9.

I noticed rolling back to python:3.5.3 stopped the error, however for compatibility with newer versions the solution posted in github issue thread worked fine.

i.e. import the TLSAdapter, use it to setup a requests session, then start making requests.