ts-node cannot find module typescript ts-node cannot find module typescript docker docker

ts-node cannot find module typescript

Finally, I got ts-node to work using npx:

  1. Install typescript globally:

    npm i typescript -g
  2. Go to your project directory and link typescript to the project:

    cd <my-project>npm link typescript
  3. Execute ts-node using npx:

    npx ts-node <your-ts-script>.ts

I have installed typescript globally using - npm i typescript -g

Still getting the issue - Error: Cannot find module ‘@types/node/package.json‘

Then this helped me to resolve the issue - sudo npm install -D tslib @types/node

After this, I was able to run my script file using either of these -

npx ts-node <script-file>.ts 


ts-node <script-file>.ts

You will get detailed explanation on the official npmjs website - https://www.npmjs.com/package/ts-node

If you plan to use ts-node and nodemon as starting point of your application, then explicitly define them in package.json dependencies.

Then RUN npm install --production

They'll be accesible in node_modules/.bin/

~/foo/node_modules/.bin> lsis-ci@    nodetouch@  rc@      ts-node@         ts-node-transpile-only@nodemon@  nopt@       semver@  ts-node-script@  ts-script@

Then you can run ./node_modules/.bin/nodemon or npx nodemon as your Docker CMD.


Executes either from a local node_modules/.bin, or from a central cache, installing any packages needed in order for to run.

source: npx

Tip to improve your Dockerfile, the right way to cache node_modules.

COPY package*.json /usr/src/app

Note that, rather than copying the entire working directory, we are only copying the package.json file. This allows us to take advantage of cached Docker layers.

Then copy app files

COPY . /usr/src/app

Don't forget .dockerignore node_modules.