Ubuntu docker container with upstart and syslog Ubuntu docker container with upstart and syslog docker docker

Ubuntu docker container with upstart and syslog

see https://github.com/BITPlan/docker-stackoverflowanswers/tree/master/33233329to repeat the steps

Going from the Dockerfile

FROM ubuntu:14.04

building it:

docker build -t bitplan/ubuntutest:0.1 .Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.048 kBStep 0 : FROM ubuntu:14.04---> 0a17decee413Successfully built 0a17decee413

running it:

docker run -it bitplan/ubuntutest:0.1 /bin/bash

and checking the running services:

 root@50a738241d03:/# service --status-all [ ? ]  console-setup [ + ]  cron [ ? ]  killprocs [ ? ]  kmod [ ? ]  networking [ ? ]  ondemand [ - ]  procps [ ? ]  rc.local [ + ]  resolvconf [ - ]  rsyslog [ ? ]  sendsigs [ - ]  sudo [ - ]  udev [ ? ]  umountfs [ ? ]  umountnfs.sh [ ? ]  umountroot [ - ]  urandom

You can see that there are multiple services running in a typical OS based container. If you install more stuff like apache, mysql and the like than there will be more services.

So if you'd like to start more of these I'd recommend to use

service start service stop

which you'll find e.g. in the entrypoint of our docker-mediawiki image at:


see e.g.

service mysql start

in there.