unable to access helloworld App deployed using DCOS Marathon in Azure unable to access helloworld App deployed using DCOS Marathon in Azure docker docker

unable to access helloworld App deployed using DCOS Marathon in Azure

In your example, host port is 0, Azure will listen your service on a random port. You need open the port on NSG and lb.

I suggest you could specify the port, you could check the following example:

{  "id": "/dockercloud-hello-world",  "cmd": null,  "cpus": 0.1,  "mem": 32,  "disk": 0,  "instances": 1,  "acceptedResourceRoles": [    "slave_public"  ],  "container": {    "type": "DOCKER",    "volumes": [],    "docker": {      "image": "dockercloud/hello-world",      "network": "BRIDGE",      "portMappings": [        {          "containerPort": 80,          "hostPort": 80,          "protocol": "tcp",          "labels": {},          "name": "test80"        }      ],      "privileged": false,      "parameters": [],      "forcePullImage": true    }  },  "healthChecks": [    {      "gracePeriodSeconds": 10,      "intervalSeconds": 2,      "timeoutSeconds": 10,      "maxConsecutiveFailures": 10,      "portIndex": 0,      "path": "/",      "protocol": "MESOS_HTTP",      "ignoreHttp1xx": false    }  ],  "requirePorts": true}

Note: You should set acceptedResourceRoles to slave_public. More information about this please check this link.

Along with the above-mentioned JSON I need to use the agent URL to access the application. I was missing on that