Update shared volume from data container Update shared volume from data container docker docker

Update shared volume from data container

The named volume webroot is meant to persist data across container restart/rebuilds. The only time the data in the volume is updated from an image is when the volume is created, and the contents of the directory in the image are copied in.

It looks like you mean to use volumes_from which is how you get container to mount volumes defined on data. This is the original "data container" method of sharing data that volumes were designed to replace.

version: "2.1"services:  server:    image: busybox    volumes_from:      - data    command: ls -l /var/www/html  fpm:    image: busybox    volumes_from:      - data    command: ls -l /var/www/html  data:    build: .    image: dply/data    volumes:      - /var/www/html

Note that this has been replaced in version 3 of the compose file so you may need to stick with recreating the volume if you want to use newer features.