Using docker-compose to set containers timezones Using docker-compose to set containers timezones docker docker

Using docker-compose to set containers timezones

version "2"services:  serviceA:    ...    environment:      TZ: "America/Denver"    command: >      sh -c "ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime &&       echo $TZ > /etc/timezone &&      exec my-main-application"

Edit: The question didn't ask for it but I've just added exec my-main-application to show how the main process would be specified. exec is important here to make sure that my-main-application receives Ctrl-C (SIGINT/SIGKILL).

This is simple solution:

environment:  - TZ=America/Denver

The easiest solution would be share volume in docker-compose.yml like this

ipchanger:  image: codertarasvaskiv/ipchanger:raspberry  volumes:    - "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro"
  • ro - means container can only read from /etc/localtime of host-machine.