Using GPU inside docker container - CUDA Version: N/A and torch.cuda.is_available returns False Using GPU inside docker container - CUDA Version: N/A and torch.cuda.is_available returns False docker docker

Using GPU inside docker container - CUDA Version: N/A and torch.cuda.is_available returns False

docker run --rm --gpus all nvidia/cuda nvidia-smi should NOT return CUDA Version: N/A if everything (aka nvidia driver, CUDA toolkit, and nvidia-container-toolkit) is installed correctly on the host machine.

Given that docker run --rm --gpus all nvidia/cuda nvidia-smi returns correctly. I also had problem with CUDA Version: N/A inside of the container, which I had luck in solving:

Please see my answer (obviously you need to adjust and install the matching/correct versions of everything)

when I use " --gpus=all,capabilities=utility " return False,when use " --gpus=all " return True ...

For anybody arriving here looking how to do it with docker compose, add to your service:

deploy:  resources:    reservations:      devices:      - driver: nvidia        capabilities:          - gpu          - utility # nvidia-smi          - compute # CUDA. Required to avoid "CUDA version: N/A"          - video   # NVENC. For instance to use a hardware accelerated ffmpeg. Skip it if you don't need it
