VSCode Task to run various node commands VSCode Task to run various node commands docker docker

VSCode Task to run various node commands

At least for points 2, 3 and 4 concurrently works fine, and it should work fine for point 1 as well. With following scripts in scripts section of package.json in your root directory you should be able to launch your dev env with just one command

"start-docker": "cd docker/dockerForTests && docker-compose up -d","start-auth": "cd src/project/webAuthentication && setenvs projectAuthentication && npm start","start-api": "cd src/project/api && setenvs projectAPI && npm start","start-client": "cd src/project/web && setenvs projectWeb && npm start","start-dev": "concurrently \"npm run start-docker\" \"npm run start-auth\" \"npm run start-api\" \"npm run start-client\""

This doesn't use VSCode task, but would simplify your life anyway.

You should be able to add the necessary scripts to the root package.json's scripts section. Once you do that, you should see them as VS Code tasks, thanks to VS Code's automatic task detection.

See https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/tasks#_task-autodetection for details.