What happened when I use a host volume(bind mounts) and named volume(one type of docker managed volume) at the same time? What happened when I use a host volume(bind mounts) and named volume(one type of docker managed volume) at the same time? docker docker

What happened when I use a host volume(bind mounts) and named volume(one type of docker managed volume) at the same time?

The volume declaration in the Dockerfile sets a bit of metadata on the image that tells docker run to define an anonymous volume at that location any time a container is made from that image. This is not a named volume or host mount, but it has a lot in common with both (they are all bind mounts by default, and anonymous volumes are listed in docker volume ls along with named volumes).

However, when you specify a host mount to the same container directory, that takes precedence (two volume mounts to the same directory inside the container will not happen). Any modifications to that directory by the commands running inside the container will be visible on the host, but the directory itself will not be initialized by the image contents.

If you want to initialize a host directory with image contents, you can use a named volume that performs a bind mount. There are a few differences in behaviour from the host mount. Mainly the directory must exist in advance, and inside a compose file you must use absolute paths instead of relative ones. I've got the syntax for that in my presentation here:


There are some mixed up things in your question, and since it's not always intuitive, I'll try to make it clearer through example.

Notes :

  • It's a small tuto I wrote about volumes for my co-workers. There must be some flaws in the explanations, but the exemples have all been tested.
  • it's important you run the things in the following order, and not rerun commands (because "new" things mays then become "existing" and would not match their purpose)
  • I'll mount to some system path... it's only for exemple purpose : to ensure they exist as well as to avoid multiplying preliminar creation commands.


FROM ubuntuVOLUME /tmp/dockerfilevolumefromnowhereRUN mkdir -p /dir/created/from/containerRUN touch /dir/created/from/container/emptyFile.txtVOLUME /dir/created/from/containerCMD "sh"

let's remove all previous tests data

BE AWARE THAT IT WILL REMOVE ALL VOLUMES THAT ARE NOT USED ANYMORE, including those that you may have created previously.

If you have any running containers (especially if they use volumes), please stop them for the purpose of these tests.

root@host:~# docker container prune root@host:~# docker volume prune root@host:~# rm -r /does/not/exit/within/hostroot@host:~# rm -r /does/not/exit/within/host2root@host:~# rm -r /tmp/dockerfilevolumefromnowhere

some image and volume creations and filling

root@host:~# docker build -t tmpcontainer .root@host:~# docker volume create existingVolumeroot@host:~# touch /var/lib/docker/volumes/existingVolume/_data/someExistingFile.txtroot@host:~# docker volume create existingVolume2root@host:~# touch /var/lib/docker/volumes/existingVolume2/_data/anotherExistingFile.txtroot@host:~# docker volume create existingEmptyVolume

at this time you have 3"existing volumes":

root@host:~# docker volume lsDRIVER              VOLUME NAMElocal               existingVolumelocal               existingVolume2local               existingEmptyVolume

Let's now run our container

docker run -it \-v /does/not/exit/within/host:/does/not/exist/within/container \-v /does/not/exit/within/host2:/sbin \-v /tmp:/again/another/does/not/exist/within/container \-v /tmp:/tmp/ \-v newVolume:/another/does/not/exist/within/container \-v newVolume2:/bin \-v existingVolume:/new/path/on/container \-v existingVolume2:/usr \-v existingEmptyVolume:/var \bash: groups: command not found # that's normal. you overrided the /usr... see beyond

Now, we are connected on our newly created container.

Let's see what we have on both container and host :

# -v /does/not/exit/within/host:/does/not/exist/within/container #no one exists on both sides : both directories are created, and are now bound to each otherroot@host:~# ll /does/not/exit/within/host. root@ffb82b56d64b:/# ll /does/not/exist/within/container.# -v /does/not/exit/within/host:/sbin # the directory on host is created, and the one on container is erased with this new one. Both are now bound to each otherroot@host:~# ll /does/not/exit/within/host2. root@ffb82b56d64b:/# ll /sbin.# -v /tmp:/again/another/does/not/exist/within/container# the path on host exists, and the path on container will be created and will hold the content on container (they are bound to each other)root@host:~# ll /tmp    -rw-------  1 root root 65536 Feb 19 11:11 one.txt    -rw-------  1 root root 65536 Feb 19 11:11 two.ymlroot@ffb82b56d64b:/# ll /again/another/does/not/exist/within/container    -rw-------  1 root root 65536 Feb 19 11:11 one.txt    -rw-------  1 root root 65536 Feb 19 11:11 two.yml# -v /tmp:/tmp# the path on host exists, so all its content will replace the previously path on container# there were some data on container's /tmp, but they are replaced with hosts onesroot@host:~# ll /tmp    -rw-------  1 root root 65536 Feb 19 11:11 one.txt    -rw-------  1 root root 65536 Feb 19 11:11 two.ymlroot@ffb82b56d64b:/# ll /tmp    -rw-------  1 root root 65536 Feb 19 11:11 one.txt    -rw-------  1 root root 65536 Feb 19 11:11 two.yml# -v newVolume:/another/does/not/exist/within/container \# the newVolume does not exist, so it will be created and bound to path on container.  # since the path on container is new, it will be created emptyroot@host:~#  ll /var/lib/docker/volumes/newVolume/_data/..root@ffb82b56d64b:/# ll /another/does/not/exist/within/container..# -v newVolume2:/bin \# once again, a volume will be created, but since it matches an existing path on container, it will hold all the content of it (no erasal!)root@host:~#  ll /var/lib/docker/volumes/newVolume2/_data/<all the content of Ubuntu's /bin from within container>root@ffb82b56d64b:/# ll /bin<whole expected content of /bin on Ubuntu># -v existingVolume:/new/path/on/container \# the volume exists, and it -and all files within- will be bound to a newly created path on containerroot@host:~#  ll /var/lib/docker/volumes/existingVolume/_data/-rw-------  1 root root 65536 Feb 19 11:11 someExistingFile.txt root@ffb82b56d64b:/# ll /new/path/on/container-rw-------  1 root root 65536 Feb 19 11:11 someExistingFile.txt# -v existingVolume2:/usr \ # the volume exists, so does the path on container. It will replace the existing path (and thus erase the former files there) and will be bound to this replaced path.root@host:~#  ll /var/lib/docker/volumes/existingVolume2/_data/-rw-------  1 root root 65536 Feb 19 11:11 anotherExistingFile.txtroot@ffb82b56d64b:/# ll /usr    -rw-------  1 root root 65536 Feb 19 11:11 anotherExistingFile.txt# -v existingEmptyVolume:/var \ # the volume exists, but is empty. the path on container exists in the container and is not empty. In this case, the path on container will not be erased and this will act as a new volume.root@host:~#  ll /var/lib/docker/volumes/existingEmptyVolume/_data/drwxr-xr-x  2 root root  4096 Apr 24  2018 backups/drwxr-xr-x  5 root root  4096 Feb 19 14:36 cache/drwxr-xr-x  7 root root  4096 Feb 19 14:36 lib/drwxrwsr-x  2 root staff 4096 Apr 24  2018 local/lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root     9 Nov 12 21:54 lock -> /run/lock/drwxr-xr-x  3 root root  4096 Feb 19 14:36 log/drwxrwsr-x  2 root mail  4096 Nov 12 21:54 mail/drwxr-xr-x  2 root root  4096 Nov 12 21:54 opt/lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root     4 Nov 12 21:54 run -> /run/drwxr-xr-x  2 root root  4096 Feb 19 14:36 spool/drwxrwxrwt  2 root root  4096 Nov 12 21:56 tmp/root@ffb82b56d64b:/# ll /var  drwxr-xr-x  2 root root  4096 Apr 24  2018 backups/drwxr-xr-x  5 root root  4096 Feb 19 14:36 cache/drwxr-xr-x  7 root root  4096 Feb 19 14:36 lib/drwxrwsr-x  2 root staff 4096 Apr 24  2018 local/lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root     9 Nov 12 21:54 lock -> /run/lock/drwxr-xr-x  3 root root  4096 Feb 19 14:36 log/drwxrwsr-x  2 root mail  4096 Nov 12 21:54 mail/drwxr-xr-x  2 root root  4096 Nov 12 21:54 opt/lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root     4 Nov 12 21:54 run -> /run/drwxr-xr-x  2 root root  4096 Feb 19 14:36 spool/drwxrwxrwt  2 root root  4096 Nov 12 21:56 tmp/

Note that now, the previously existing and newly created volume can be used for other containers (the same way you just used previously existing ones here above).

Eventually, all that we have left to cover all our uses cases are the volumes created from the Dockerfile.Let's look at the content of /var/lib/docker/volumes. Remember we have cleaned it before performing our tests, so all those here match our tests.

root@host:~# ll /var/lib/docker/volumesdrwx------  6 root root  4096 Feb 19 11:11 ./drwx--x--x 14 root root  4096 Feb 14 09:50 ../-rw-------  1 root root 65536 Feb 19 14:36 metadata.db #indeed drwxr-xr-x  3 root root  4096 Feb 19 14:36 635af95ec06f8a44c22915005189bfb12d5bcf2e5ac97c25112d3e65a72546f4/ # anonymous container 1drwxr-xr-x  3 root root  4096 Feb 19 14:36 897b28ec17275a3c3be184bb20b6314b38c1404e638080c8fe4fc36cae2f9f65/ # anonymous container 2drwxr-xr-x  3 root root  4096 Feb 19 14:36 existingEmptyVolume/ #we created it (empty) before the run commanddrwxr-xr-x  3 root root  4096 Feb 19 14:35 existingVolume/ #we created it before the run commanddrwxr-xr-x  3 root root  4096 Feb 19 14:36 existingVolume2/ #we created it before the run commanddrwxr-xr-x  3 root root  4096 Feb 19 14:36 newVolume/ #we created it during run commanddrwxr-xr-x  3 root root  4096 Feb 19 14:36 newVolume2/ #we created it during run command

So what are those anonymous containers : they are actually the ones created from you dockerfile.Let's check their content.

root@host:~#  ll /var/lib/docker/volumes/63eeedcb1aa2e4d8785cca409698371381558348ce19bc614d87da372901d224/_data/-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 Feb 19 10:14 emptyFile.txtroot@host:~#  ll /var/lib/docker/volumes/ea0ed5ff271cba03a8b7d35144b58e8da1b2e50b4e05c4cccda7f19b401d7f0b/_data/..

See, they are holding whatever you put in them from the dockerfile. They are anonymous, so you cannot (or actually must not) use them from other containers because new ones will be created for every time you run a container from this image.

Note : You may have noticed some odd thing at this time:

root@host:~# ll /tmp/dockerfilevolumefromnowhere #YES : from HOST!.. #it exists... but is not linked to the volume or the path in container in any way.

Here... don't ask : it is still puzzling me why it is created on host. I guess it's a bug, but this an issue that should be discussed on docker ML, not here.Anyway, you are not supposed to do it that way : mkdir before creating the volume over it!

So what we can see with all these exemples :

  • bind / mounting from hosts path to container (/some/path/on/host:/a/path/on/container) will create the path on container (no matter it does exist previously) and replace all former data here. Both directories (and their contents) are now bound to each other.
  • mounting from volume (someVolumeName:/a/path/on/container) to container , will bind the volume to the path on container.
  • mounting an existing non-empty volume to a container's path will replace the (possible) content within the container with the content from the existing volume (if empty : it will act as a new volume)
  • mounting a new volume to a container's path will bind the content of the path in the container with the volume. The volume will now hold this content (eg for later use) : nothing will be erased / replaced here.
  • both volume or path (whatever if it's on container or host) will be created if not existing.
  • volume from Dockerfile will be anonymous and re-created everytime you run another container from this image (previous ones will remain). They will created under /var/lib/docker/volumes as well.
  • volume declared at run command will be created (ie will be "new" volumes) if they did not exist previously. Otherwise, existing ones will be used instead.
  • volume created through the run command will be persisted in /var/lib/docker/volumes under a directory matching their name.

Note : that I am not talking about ownership and rights here. On purpose: that's another matter we may discuss later.