Where are TLS certificates stored for Docker on Windows Server 2016 TP3 Where are TLS certificates stored for Docker on Windows Server 2016 TP3 docker docker

Where are TLS certificates stored for Docker on Windows Server 2016 TP3

The certificates on windows are located in the .docker folder in the current user directory.

docker --help command will show the exact path details

AFAIK there are no certificates generated when you do what you are doing. If you drop certificates in the path you found then it will use them, and be secured. But otherwise there is none on the machine. Which explains why it isn't exposed by default.

On my setup I connected without TLS but that was on a VM that I could only access on my dev machine. Obviously anything able to be accessed over a network shouldn't do that.

Other people doing this are here: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/84ca60c0-c54d-4513-bc02-14bd57676621/connect-docker-client-to-windows-server-2016-container-engine?forum=windowscontainers and here https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/9caf90c9-81e8-4998-abe5-837fbfde03a8/can-i-connect-docker-from-remote-docker-client?forum=windowscontainers

When I dug into the work in progress post it has this:

Docker clients unsecured by default

In this pre-release, docker communication is public if you know where to look.


So eventually this should get better.