Where are Traefik logs? Where are Traefik logs? docker docker

Where are Traefik logs?

To see logs in the stdout event if you run docker-compose up -d:

docker-compose log -f


FYI The path ./traefik.log is inside the Traefik container.

[traefikLog]  filePath = "./traefik.log" 

With your files (without the section [traefikLog]), I see the logs.

However, your configuration have some issues:

version: '3'services:  traefik:    hostname: traefik    domainname: exampledomain.net    image: traefik:v1.7.9-alpine    # command: --api --docker # <-- don't define the same configuration with CLI and TOML https://docs.traefik.io/basics/#static-traefik-configuration    container_name: traefik    networks:      - nginx-proxy    ports:      - "80:80"      - "443:443"    volumes:      - "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"      - "./traefik/traefik.toml:/traefik.toml"      - "./traefik/acme.json:/acme.json"    labels:      - "traefik.enable=true"      - "traefik.port=8080"      - "traefik.frontend.rule=Host:monitor.exampledomain.net"      - "traefik.docker.network=nginx-proxy"networks:  nginx-proxy:    external:      name: nginx-proxy
logLevel = "DEBUG"defaultEntryPoints = ["http","https"][api]  # address = ":8080" <- this options doesn't exist. https://docs.traefik.io/v1.7/configuration/api/# [traefikLog] # <-- remove because not needed#   filePath = "./traefik.log"# [accessLog] # <-- remove because not needed#   filePath = "./access.log"[entryPoints]  [entryPoints.http]    address = ":80"    [entryPoints.http.redirect]      entryPoint = "https"  [entryPoints.https]    address = ":443"    [entryPoints.https.tls]# Let's encrypt setup[acme]  email = "email@email.com"  storage = "acme.json"  entryPoint = "https"  acmeLogging = true  onHostRule = true  onDemand = false  [acme.httpChallenge]    entryPoint = "http"[docker]  endpoint = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"  domain = "exampledomain.net"  # watch = true # <---- useful only for swarm  exposedbydefault = false

I am sharing a docker-compose file. which will create a volume for logs both access log and service log can be get from the volume

"networks":  "network":    "external":      "name": "appliance""services":  "container":    "container_name": "traefik"    "image": "traefik:1.7.4"    "networks":    - "network"    "ports":    - "80:80"    - "443:443"    - "8099:8099"    "restart": "always"    "volumes":    - "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"    - "{pwd}/traefik.toml:/traefik.toml"    - "{pwd}/acme.json:/acme.json"    - "logs:/var/log/traefik""version": "3.4""volumes":  "logs":    "name": "traefik_logs"

Add the log location in traefik.toml as follows
filePath = "/var/log/traefik/access.log"

Just add [accessLog] to your traefik.toml file and you are fine.