why does docker have docker volumes and volume containers why does docker have docker volumes and volume containers docker docker

why does docker have docker volumes and volume containers

Docker volumes

You can use Docker volumes to create a new volume in your container and to mount it to a folder of your host. E.g. you could mount the folder /var/log of your Linux host to your container like this:

docker run -d -v /var/log:/opt/my/app/log:rw some/image

This would create a folder called /opt/my/app/log inside your container. And this folder will be /var/log on your Linux host. You could use this to persist data or share data between your containers.

Docker volume containers

Now, if you mount a host directory to your containers, you somehow break the nice isolation Docker provides. You will "pollute" your host with data from the containers. To prevent this, you could create a dedicated container to store your data. Docker calls this container a "Data Volume Container".

This container will have a volume which you want to share between containers, e.g.:

docker run -d -v /some/data/to/share --name MyDataContainer some/image

This container will run some application (e.g. a database) and has a folder called /some/data/to/share. You can share this folder with another container now:

docker run -d --volumes-from MyDataContainer some/image

This container will also see the same volume as in the previous command. You can share the volume between many containers as you could share a mounted folder of your host. But it will not pollute your host with data - everything is still encapsulated in isolated containers.

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