Why I'm unable to COPY my files into docker container? Why I'm unable to COPY my files into docker container? docker docker

Why I'm unable to COPY my files into docker container?

If you are trying to copy the directory public-html into the directory /usr/local/apache2/htdocs to have an .../htdocs/public-html/ directory, then use the following:

COPY public-html/ /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/public-html/

By default, copying a directory will copy the contents of that directory, so you need to name it in the target for the directory to appear.

Edit: Your run command contains a volume that will replace the image contents of this directory:

docker run -d --name apws -v /Users/ankitsahu/workspace/docker_practice/public-html:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/ -p 80:80 apache

If you want to see what's inside the image, do not use the volume:

docker run -d --name apws -p 80:80 apache

If instead you want to use the volume, then modify the contents of /Users/ankitsahu/workspace/docker_practice/public-html on your docker host.

Before you can COPY files to different directories other than root, you have to create them.

Update your Dockerfile to the following

FROM httpd:2.4 MAINTAINER Ankit MKDIR -p /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/ # Create the directory with '-p' option. COPY ./public-html/ /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/

Edit 1

Based on the documentation Docker CP Command, if

DEST_PATH exists and is a directory and if

SRC_PATH does not end with /. (that is: slash followed by dot) the source directory is copied into this directory

SRC_PATH does end with /. (that is: slash followed by dot) the content of the source directory is copied into this directory

In your case /public-html/ does end with a slash, so only the contents must have been getting copied. Updating it to ./public-html should resolve the issue.

Hope this helps.