Why is Dockerized Hadoop datanode registering with the wrong IP address? Why is Dockerized Hadoop datanode registering with the wrong IP address? docker docker

Why is Dockerized Hadoop datanode registering with the wrong IP address?

This is caused by a known docker issue (I also raised - and closed - this duplicate which describes the steps as set out in the question).

There is a merged pull request which should fix the problem and is scheduled for inclusion in Docker 1.10.0. But in the meantime, the following workaround can be used:

  1. Remove all user-created networks with sudo docker network rm
  2. Stop the docker daemon with sudo service docker stop
  3. Cleanup the iptables with sudo iptables -F && sudo iptables -F -t nat
  4. Restart the docker daemon with sudo service docker start
  5. Recreate the user-defined network
  6. Run the containers