Why pushing update to Mercure Hub with PublisherInterface throw a TransferException? Why pushing update to Mercure Hub with PublisherInterface throw a TransferException? docker docker

Why pushing update to Mercure Hub with PublisherInterface throw a TransferException?

I faced this error before.Simply Mercure Hub requires a valid SSL Certificate in order to work, and the certificate provided by Symfony CLI (> symfony serve) isn't a valid one!

You can:

  • Add a valid SSL certificate to your project.
  • Or if it's a Symfony 4 project you can install Symfony web servercomposer require symfony/web-server-bundle and use php bin/console server:run to start the server on HTTP instead of HTTPS.
  • You can also install apache-pack using composer required apache-pack and set a Virtual host one your machine.

You can set default options of the Symfony HTTP Client for the dev environment:

# config/packages/dev/framework.yamlframework:  ...  http_client:      default_options:          verify_peer: false