WSO2 IOT APIMClientOAuthException whene logged in device management in Docker containers WSO2 IOT APIMClientOAuthException whene logged in device management in Docker containers docker docker

WSO2 IOT APIMClientOAuthException whene logged in device management in Docker containers

the problem is related to the HTTPS gateway port: 8243, when starting container according to the file docker-compose.yml it only exposes the port 9443 so you have to add the port 8243 to be able to access from the outside, that's why it works with localhost and after the change with the ip address it generates the error.

So I saved a new container image after changing the ip address with this commande

docker commit a69f82f5eb71 wso2iot-server: 3.3.1

and I started the image with the addition of port 8243

docker run -p 8243: 8243 -p 8280: 8280 -p 9443: 9443 wso2iot-server: 3.3.1 

thank you @Geeth Munasinghe for your help