Xdebug makes PHP way too slow Xdebug makes PHP way too slow docker docker

Xdebug makes PHP way too slow

I was facing the somewhat same issue, there was a problem with my configuration.

I was connecting to web server via a remote network address (like 192.168.xx.xx, 10.10.xx.xx) instead of local machine address (like or localhost).

May be there was some routing issues within my docker configuration or some other settings. Though I did not got to the root cause but it solved my problem.

This worked out and my debugging become fast.

I had the same issue until I found out, that the Xdebug extension in Chrome was causing this. If it is disabled the loading times are fine, if it is enabled a page reload often times took over 60s compared to 5s with Xdebug disabled. Did not make any difference if Xdebug in PHPStorm or Container was enabled or not.

I used docker-compose to switch between two php instances (one with xdebug and the other without it)

The apache containers switches based on the XDEBUG_SESSION cookie value (PHPSTORM by default)

Here's the interesting part of the configuration

<If "%{HTTP_COOKIE} =~ /XDEBUG_SESSION=${XDEBUG_COOKIE_VALUE}/">  SetHandler "proxy:fcgi://php_xdebug:9000"</If><Else>  SetHandler "proxy:fcgi://php:9000"</Else>

Docker compose script