Analytics in Elasticsearch Analytics in Elasticsearch elasticsearch elasticsearch

Analytics in Elasticsearch

Firstly I do not think that using ElasticSearch for OLAP-like queries is a good idea. I would recommend you use some Dremel-like technologies (Impala, TEZ, Storm etc.) which support sql you specified. It has some advantages like:

  • you do not have to transfer data from Hadoop into ElasticSearch.
  • you can use sql
  • you do not have to care about parsing json from ElasticSearch query answers.

Do not get me wrong, I love ElasticSearch/Logstash/Kibana, but for log collecting and visualization. Of course it is possible to make some advanced queries but it has some limitations which I found out in my personal projects.

Also consider using Kibana, it is a great tool for data statistics in ElasticSearch and you can do a lot of things with it.

Here are some queries example as you requested (i did not tested it):


{  "aggs": {    "website": {      "terms": {        "field": "website"      },      "aggs": {        "sum_stats": {          "sum": {            "field": "stats"          },          "aggs": {            "distinct_user": {              "cardinality": {                "field": "user_id",                "precision_threshold": 100              }            }          }                  }      }    }  }}

2-6 are similar, use things from 1) with different filters like this:

{  "aggs": {    "your_filter": {      "filter": {        "term": {"event_src_id" : "XXXXXXXXXXX"}      }    },    "aggs": {      "website": {        "terms": {          "field": "website"        },        "aggs": {          "sum_stats": {            "sum": {              "field": "stats"            },            "aggs": {              "distinct_user": {                "cardinality": {                  "field": "user_id",                  "precision_threshold": 100                }              }            }          }        }      }    }  }}

7) DELETE is quite easy

    "query" : {        "term" : { "event_src_id" : "XXXXXXXXXXX" }    }}

how to group and sum and distinct at same time

Aggregations can have sub-aggregations.

First, the group functionality corresponds to the terms aggregation and (sometimes) the top_hits aggregation.Second, There is a sum aggregation, a simple stats metric aggregation.Finally, Your use of distinct in this case is to perform count(distinct), which corresponds to a cardinality aggregation, which can be approximate or exact depending on your needs.

7) delete from table where event_src_id=XXXXXXXXXXX; (may delete all 96M records)

There is a delete by query api which you can use, but be careful about high percentages of deleted documents; Lucene and Elasticsearch are not optimized for this, and you will incur an overhead due to delete markers in the data.


select website, sum(stats), count(distinct(user_id)) from table group by website

GET /_search{   "aggs": {      "website_stats": {        "terms": {           "field": "website"        },        "aggs": {           "sum_stats": {             "sum": {               "field": "stats"             }           },           "count_users": {             "cardinality": {               "field": "user_id"            }          }        }      }   }}

select website, sum(stats), count(distinct(user_id)) from table where YEAR(Time) = 2009 group by website, MONTH(Time)

GET /_search{   "query": {     "filter": {       "range": {           "Time": {              "gt": "2009-01-01 00:00:00",              "lt": "2010-01-01 00:00:00"           }       }     }   },   "aggs": {      "monthly_stats" {        "terms": {           "field": "website"        },        "aggs": {           "months": {              "date_histogram": {                "field": "Time",                "interval": "month"              },              "aggs" : {                "sum_stats": {                  "sum": {                    "field": "stats"                  }                },                "count_users": {                  "cardinality": {                    "field": "user_id"                }              }            }          }        }      }   }}