Autopurge of Elasticsearch index when exceed the hard disk size using bash script Autopurge of Elasticsearch index when exceed the hard disk size using bash script elasticsearch elasticsearch

Autopurge of Elasticsearch index when exceed the hard disk size using bash script

Seems it is a problem with quoting - combination with single quote, double quote and escaping . Curl send json data. Bash variable should be in double quotes but json data should start with single quote.


data="'"'{"json": "finish string after single quote ->", '"\"$BASH_VAR\""',"json1": "finish data"}'"'"

In above example I used concatenate strings in single quote and double quote ("'"'{..' for ' add to {.. ).

Try something like this in bash script

curl -XDELETE 'index name/_query' -d "'"'    {      "query":       {        "range":                     {          "eventType_timestamp":                       {                       "gte": '"\"$from_dataset_date\""',                      "lte": $to_dataset_date          }        }      }    }'"'"