Boost score based on integer value - Elasticsearch Boost score based on integer value - Elasticsearch elasticsearch elasticsearch

Boost score based on integer value - Elasticsearch

You are looking at function score query:

And field value factor

Snippet from documentation:

GET /_search{    "query": {        "function_score": {            "field_value_factor": {                "field": "tags.dislikes",                "factor": 1.2,                "modifier": "sqrt",                "missing": 1            }        }    }}

Or with script score because your nested tags field (not sure if field value score works fine with nested structure).

This took a long time to figure out. I have learnt so much on my way there.

Here is the final result:

{    "query": {        "nested": {            "path": "tags",            "query": {                "function_score": {                    "query": {                        "bool": {                            "should": [                                {                                    "match": {                                        "": "example"                                    }                                },                                {                                    "match": {                                        "": "testing"                                    }                                },                                {                                    "match": {                                        "": "test"                                    }                                }                            ]                        }                    },                    "functions": [                        {                            "field_value_factor": {                                "field": "tags.votes"                            }                        }                    ],                    "boost_mode": "multiply"                }            }        }    }}

The array in should has helped a lot, and was glad I could combine it with function_score