Bulk Partial Upsert in Elasticseach with python Bulk Partial Upsert in Elasticseach with python elasticsearch elasticsearch

Bulk Partial Upsert in Elasticseach with python

As J. Ku answered, he has given the right answer but the code provided is incomplete. So posting the complete answer.

data = [{    "_op_type": 'update',    "_index": 'my_index',    "_type": 'my_type',    "_id": 12345,    "doc": {"newkey": 'newvalue'},    "doc_as_upsert":True}]helpers.bulk(es, data, index='my_index', doc_type='my_type')

I think you need to include the action as mentioned in the documentation and set upsert as true

data = [{    "_op_type": 'update',    "_index": 'my_index',    "_type": 'my_type',    "_id": 12345,    "doc": {"newkey": 'newvalue'}}]helpers.bulk(es, data, index='my_index', doc_type='my_type')