Configure elasticsearch mapping with java api Configure elasticsearch mapping with java api elasticsearch elasticsearch

Configure elasticsearch mapping with java api

I have successfully applied mappings to an Elasticsearch index using the Java API like the following:

 XContentBuilder mapping = jsonBuilder()                              .startObject()                                   .startObject("general")                                        .startObject("properties")                                            .startObject("message")                                                .field("type", "string")                                                .field("index", "not_analyzed")                                             .endObject()                                             .startObject("source")                                                .field("type","string")                                             .endObject()                                        .endObject()                                    .endObject()                                 .endObject();  PutMappingResponse putMappingResponse = client.admin().indices()                .preparePutMapping("test")                .setType("general")                .setSource(mapping)                .execute().actionGet();

Hope this helps.

Adding this for future readers. Please note you need to perform mapping prior to create the actual index or you will get an exception. See following code.

client.admin().indices().create(new CreateIndexRequest("indexname")).actionGet();PutMappingResponse putMappingResponse = client.admin().indices()    .preparePutMapping("indexname")    .setType("indextype")    .setSource(jsonBuilder().prettyPrint()                .startObject()                    .startObject("indextype")                        .startObject("properties")                            .startObject("country").field("type", "string").field("index", "not_analyzed").endObject()                        .endObject()                    .endObject()                .endObject())    .execute().actionGet();IndexResponse response1 = client.prepareIndex("indexname", "indextype")    .setSource(buildIndex())    .execute()    .actionGet();   // Now "Sri Lanka" considered to be a single country :) SearchResponse response = client.prepareSearch("indexname"    ).addAggregation(AggregationBuilders.terms("countryfacet").field("country")).setSize(30).execute().actionGet(); 

Just read the Definitive Guide carefully:

Although you can add to an existing mapping, you can’t change existing field mappings. If a mapping already exists for a field, data from that field has probably been indexed. If you were to change the field mapping, the indexed data would be wrong and would not be properly searchable.


So you just have to do it when you create the field. Thats why the code from this answer works without problems.