Confusions about the Elasticsearch json dsl query structure Confusions about the Elasticsearch json dsl query structure elasticsearch elasticsearch

Confusions about the Elasticsearch json dsl query structure

I also find Elastic's DSL structure confusing, but after running hundreds of queries you get used to it.

Here are a few (full) examples of different types of queries, hopefully this will help clear some questions you may have, feel free to add scenarios in a comment and I'll add more examples.

This is how a standard query looks like:

{    "query": {        "bool": {            "must": {                "match": {                    "message": "abcd"                }            }        }    }}

However, this is how a filtered query looks like, you'll notice a change in structure when filtering elasticsearch:

{    "query": {        "filtered": {            "filter": {                "term": {                    "message": "abcd"                }            }        }    }}

(Read more about the difference between Filters and Queries)

Here's how a query that has both filters and queries look like:

{    "query": {        "filtered": {            "filter": {                "term": {                    "message": "abcd"                }            },            "query": {                "bool": {                    "must": {                        "match": {                            "message2": "bbbb"                        }                    }                }            }        }    }}

Here's how you run a filter with multiple conditions:

{    "query": {        "filtered": {            "filter": {                "and": [                    {                        "term": {                            "message": "abcd"                        }                    },                    {                        "term": {                            "message2": "abcdd"                        }                    }                ]            }        }    }}

And a more complex filter:

{    "query": {        "filtered": {            "filter": {                "and": [                    {                        "term": {                            "message": "abcd"                        }                    },                    {                        "term": {                            "message2": "abcdd"                        }                    },                    {                        "or": [                            {                                "term": {                                    "message3": "abcddx"                                }                            },                            {                                "term": {                                    "message4": "abcdd2"                                }                            }                        ]                    }                ]            }        }    }}

Simple query with aggregations:

{    "query": {        "filtered": {            "filter": {                "term": {                    "message": "abcd"                }            }        }    },    "aggs": {        "any_name_will_work_here": {            "max": {                "field": "metric1"            }        }    }}

A query_string query:

{    "query": {        "query_string": {            "default_field": "message",            "query": "this AND that"        }    }}

Some other things to consider when using the DSL:

  1. You can add a size parameter at the top level (above the query) which will determine the amount of results to return. If you want JUST doc counts you can use "size": 0 which will not get any results, just the meta data.
  2. However, when using aggs the size parameter has a twist, setting "size": 0 inside the aggs field will tell ES to get ALL aggregation buckets
  3. The DSL structure has exceptions, in my examples I usually used terms, but range for example has a bit of a different structure.