Elastic Search - implement "Did you Mean" Elastic Search - implement "Did you Mean" elasticsearch elasticsearch

Elastic Search - implement "Did you Mean"

As of version 0.90.0.Beta1, ElasticSearch has a "term suggest" feature included, which is what you are looking for:


E.g. get from this query: "devloping distibutd saerch engies"this result: "developing distributed search engines"

Elasticsearch doesn't have it yet, it is opened as issue here basically it is waiting for the next Lucene release.

I achieved a similar "did you mean" behaviour using the phonetic analyzers, which worked for my use case, location names, that is not gonna work for all use cases....

a example mapping:- https://gist.github.com/1171014

so you can query using the REST api like this (mispelled london):-

{  "query": {    "field": {      "nameSounds": "lundon"    }  }}

You can use fuzzy search:

"fuzzy" : {    "user" : {        "value" :         "Jon",        "boost" :         1.0,        "fuzziness" :     3,        "prefix_length" : 0,        "max_expansions": 100    }}

Check this link for fuzzy : http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-fuzzy-query.html