Elastic Search .NET Core Unsuccessful Low Level Call on Post Elastic Search .NET Core Unsuccessful Low Level Call on Post elasticsearch elasticsearch

Elastic Search .NET Core Unsuccessful Low Level Call on Post

Ok, so I found the fix.

My node url was http://localhost:9200. This works in the console application, but does not work in the webapi project. I changed it to and it worked.

For the record (in case someone is looking at this in the future and is like, “but this doesn’t fix my problem!” – spin up fiddler (or a similar app) and watch the traffic.

The error message there was more descriptive. It told me that the error was a timeout. This is a lot more helpful than the error the lowlevelclient returned.

Granted that alone didn’t solve my problem, but it made me reevaluate the situation, do a bit more googling and find someone complaining about curl translating localhost to IPv6 and using instead.

In case you are getting this error:

Invalid NEST response built from a unsuccessful (429) low level call on PUT

ServerError: Type: cluster_block_exception Reason: \"index [] blocked by: [TOO_MANY_REQUESTS/12/index read-only / allow delete (api)];

It could be that your C drive is almost full:

enter image description here