Elastic Search/Tire: How do I filter a boolean attribute? Elastic Search/Tire: How do I filter a boolean attribute? elasticsearch elasticsearch

Elastic Search/Tire: How do I filter a boolean attribute?

  filter :term, :private => false

Should do the trick. Depending on whether you want to do stuff with facets it may be more efficient to do your filtering a filtered query rather than at the top level, ie

tire.search(...) do   query do    filtered do      query { string, params[:query] }      filter :term, :private => false    end  endend

It shouldn't change the results though.

You can also do this with a bool filter, but not quite how you tried - within a bool filter you need to build up a structure that says what's optional and what's not

For example

tire.search(load: true, page: params[:page], per_page: 20) do   query  { string params[:query] } if params[:query].present   filter :bool, :must => {:term => {:private => true}}end

A bool filter is slower than using an and filter (which is what tire does behind the scenes if you specify multiple filters) but obviously gives you more flexibility.

You can try:

tire.search(load: true, page: params[:page], per_page: 20) do    query do        boolean do            must { string params[:query] } if params[:query].present?            must { term :private, true }        end    endend

According to the elasticsearch - guide, booleans are stored as T or F, so I would try filtering by T or F.

For example

filter :terms, :private => ['T']

I haven't actually used tires, this is just based on some research on the guide and in the examples.