elasticseach 6 scroll,second fetch impossible elasticseach 6 scroll,second fetch impossible elasticsearch elasticsearch

elasticseach 6 scroll,second fetch impossible

The problem is your second fetch has index name in the request URL. The URL should not include the index or type name — these are specified in the original search request instead.

Instead of this:

POST /person4/_search/scroll HTTP/1.1Host: localhost:9200Content-Type: application/jsonCache-Control: no-cachePostman-Token: 14238262-6125-4f60-8025-d0d2854b8dd6{    "scroll" : "1s",     "scroll_id" : "Whatever scroll id you've got" }

Use this:

POST /_search/scroll HTTP/1.1Host: localhost:9200Content-Type: application/jsonCache-Control: no-cachePostman-Token: 14238262-6125-4f60-8025-d0d2854b8dd6{    "scroll" : "1s",     "scroll_id" : "Whatever scroll id you've got" }