ElasticSearch 2.4 - Query String OR between main type and nested ElasticSearch 2.4 - Query String OR between main type and nested elasticsearch elasticsearch

ElasticSearch 2.4 - Query String OR between main type and nested

You can do that with bool query. Your query will look something like this:

POST example_contact_purchases/contact/_search{  "query": {    "bool": {      "should": [        {          "query_string": {            "query": "country:ES"          }        },        {          "nested": {            "path": "purchases",            "filter": {              "query": {                "query_string": {                  "query": "(purchases.uuid:45)"                }              }            }          }        }      ]    }  }}

Notice that should == OR in this case.

Also, since you are querying these fields (country and purchases.uuid) by exact value you may consider setting them as not_analyzed (or keyword in modern versions of Elasticsearch) and use exact match query like term.

Hope that helps!