Elasticsearch aggregate on URL hostname Elasticsearch aggregate on URL hostname elasticsearch elasticsearch

Elasticsearch aggregate on URL hostname

Here is a way to aggregate urls by domains:

First you tokenize the full url as a single token using a keyword tokenizer (which works the same as not_analyzed under the hood), then you extract the domain with a regex, using a pattern capture token filter. Finally we discard the original full url token thanks to preserve_original option.

Which leads to:

{  "settings": {    "analysis": {      "filter": {        "capture_domain_filter": {          "type": "pattern_capture",          "preserve_original": false,          "flags": "CASE_INSENSITIVE",          "patterns": [            "https?:\/\/([^/]+)"          ]        }      },      "analyzer": {        "domain_analyzer": {          "type": "custom",          "tokenizer": "keyword",          "filter": [            "capture_domain_filter"          ]        }      }    }  },  "mappings": {    "weblink": {      "properties": {        "url": {          "type": "string",          "analyzer": "domain_analyzer"        }      }    }  }}

We check how our urls are tokenized:

curl -sXGET http://localhost:9200/url_analyzer/_analyze\?analyzer\=domain_analyzer\&pretty -d 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia' | grep token  "tokens" : [ {    "token" : "en.wikipedia.org",

This looks good, now let's aggregate our urls by domains using latest aggregations features (which will deprecate facets in near future).

curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/url_analyzer/_search?pretty" -d'{  "aggregations": {    "tokens": {      "terms": {        "field": "url"      }    }  }}'


"aggregations" : {    "tokens" : {      "buckets" : [ {        "key" : "en.wikipedia.org",        "doc_count" : 2      }, {        "key" : "www.elasticsearch.org",        "doc_count" : 1      } ]    }

From here you can go further and apply an additional shingle token filter on top of this to match queries such as "en.wikipedia", "wikipedia.org", if you want to avoid exact matches while searching for a domain.