ElasticSearch as EventStore ElasticSearch as EventStore elasticsearch elasticsearch

ElasticSearch as EventStore

eta: Reminded of this post by a no-explanation-down-voter... This Kafka is not for Event Sourcing post is pretty useful when thinking through this sort of a question.

Elastic search is simply not designed to be an authoritative persistent store for actual app state.Neither is Redis.Neither is Kafka.

All three may potentially be useful in the context of an app which does employ an event store.

May I suggest reading a book like NoSql distilled to get an idea of selection criteria in this space so you'll know how to select something appropriate.

Also for a question like this to be more answerable (in general questions like this are considered subjective and get closed), it's important to supply context as to what sort of stuff you're going to maintain, what sort of access patterns, what sort of scale and/or any other context. A laundrly list of contextless pro/cons is not going to help much.