Elasticsearch - Bulk insert using Sense Web Plugin in Windows Elasticsearch - Bulk insert using Sense Web Plugin in Windows elasticsearch elasticsearch

Elasticsearch - Bulk insert using Sense Web Plugin in Windows

Try this:

POST /<indexName>/<type>/_bulk

Copy the contents of the files accounts.json

and run.

Just to have the correct answer:

  1. Download curl for Windows here: https://curl.haxx.se/download.html

    Direct link to curl-7.54.1-win64-mingw

  2. Unpack the bin folder from the archive somewhere on your local drive.

  3. Add the path to that folder to your PATH system variable.

  4. Restart your explorer.exe process or restart Windows. This is needed in order for the shell to refresh the value of PATH.

  5. In the command-line shell, execute the following command:

    curl -XPOST localhost:9200/{some path here}/_bulk?pretty --data-binary @{file name}