Elasticsearch can't write to log files Elasticsearch can't write to log files elasticsearch elasticsearch

Elasticsearch can't write to log files

If you installed elasticsearch using a package manager like yum or apt-get you should not start elasticsearch this way. Try to use the service: for instance /etc/init.d/elasticsearch or using the command sudo service elasticsearch start

You should also check if the logging.yml file is at the location mentioned in the stack trace:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config

Using sudo to start elasticsearch is not good, you could do sudo elasticsearch to run as the elasticsearch user, but I prefer to use the service call as described in the second sentence.

Hope that helps

Your elasticsearch.yml file as well as logging.yml file will be in the /etc/elasticsearch folder.

Create a config folder in your elasticsearch folder in /usr/share and move the .yml files to the config folder

Now run /bin/elasticsearch start and it will work.

Following this worked for me.

Your elasticsearch.yml file as well as logging.yml file will be in the /etc/elasticsearch folder.

Create a config folder in your elasticsearch folder in /usr/share and move the .yml files to the config folder