Elasticsearch data binary ran out of memory Elasticsearch data binary ran out of memory elasticsearch elasticsearch

Elasticsearch data binary ran out of memory

800GB is a quite a lot to send in one shot, ES has to put all the content into memory in order to process it, so that's probably too big for the amount of memory you have.

One way around this is to split your file into several and send each one after another. You can achieve it with a small shell script like the one below.

#!/bin/sh# split the main file into files containing 10,000 lines maxsplit -l 10000 -a 10 carrier.json /tmp/carrier_bulk# send each split fileBULK_FILES=/tmp/carrier_bulk*for f in $BULK_FILES; do    curl -s -XPOST http://localhost:9200/_bulk --data-binary @$fdone


If you want to interpret the ES response you can do so easily by piping the response to a small python one-liner like this:

curl -s -XPOST $ES_HOST/_bulk --data-binary @$f | python -c 'import json,sys;obj=json.load(sys.stdin);print "    <- Took %s ms with errors: %s" % (obj["took"], obj["errors"])';