ElasticSearch - issue with sub term aggregation with array fields ElasticSearch - issue with sub term aggregation with array fields elasticsearch elasticsearch

ElasticSearch - issue with sub term aggregation with array fields

Elasticsearch will flatten the nested objects, so internally you will get:

{  "title":"The Judge","year":2014,"casting.name": ["Robert Downey Jr.","Robert Duvall"],"casting.category": ["Producer", "Actor"]}

if you want to keep the relationship you'll need to use either nested objects or a parent child relationship

To do a nested mapping you'd need to do something like this:

  "mappings": {    "movies": {      "properties": {        "title" : { "type": "string" },        "year" : { "type": "integer" },        "casting": {          "type": "nested",           "properties": {            "name":    { "type": "string" },            "category": { "type": "string" }          }        }      }    }  }