ElasticSearch Java Transport Client NoNodeAvailableException on Ubuntu 14.04 ElasticSearch Java Transport Client NoNodeAvailableException on Ubuntu 14.04 elasticsearch elasticsearch

ElasticSearch Java Transport Client NoNodeAvailableException on Ubuntu 14.04

Having identical issue..

Upgraded elastic from 1.7 to 2.3.2 on same AWS kit

Ubunto 14.0.4

Elastic binding transport on 9300 as before

Security group has port open (not changed)

Now remote clients cannot connect via transport layer - same error as above.

The only thing that has changed in my setup is the version of Elasticsearch

ok I solved this. It appears 2.3.2 doesn't default TCP bind in same way as 1.7.0

I had to set this in my elasticsearch.yml :

network.bind_host: {AWS private IP address)