Elasticsearch npm: Passing AWS Credentials Elasticsearch npm: Passing AWS Credentials elasticsearch elasticsearch

Elasticsearch npm: Passing AWS Credentials

Figured this out. For future reference, elasticsearch JS does not have a method for signing for AWS. It only supports SSL signed and basic authentication. Therefore you can use this NPM called http-aws-es. It uses the AWS SDK to sign for Elasticsearch using your IAM access key id and secret access key. Here is what I ended up with for my Elasticsearch client

const elasticsearch = require('elasticsearch');const AWSConnector = require('http-aws-es'),const envs = require('dotenv').config();module.exports = function () {    return new elasticsearch.Client({        connectionClass: AWSConnector,        apiVersion: '2.3',        port: 443,        protocol: 'https',        host:`${envs.endpoint}`,        amazonES: {            region: 'us-east-1',            accessKey: envs.accessKeyId,            secretKey: envs.secretAccessKey        }    })}

One other thing to note is that I had to set the port to 443. It would be port 80 if the protocol were http. The Elasticsearch JS library defaults to port 9200 for obvious reasons. If you don't specify the port, it will always default to 9200 regardless of the host you add.

this is the code that worked for me.

const elasticsearch = require('elasticsearch');var AWS = require('aws-sdk');var options = {    host: 'host',    port:443,    protocol:'https',    connectionClass: require('http-aws-es'),    awsConfig:new AWS.Config({        credentials: new AWS.Credentials('aws_access_key', 'aws_secret_key'),        region: 'us-east-1'    })};var client = require('elasticsearch').Client(options);client.ping({  // ping usually has a 3000ms timeout  requestTimeout: 3000}, function (error) {  if (error) {    console.trace('elasticsearch cluster is down!');  } else {    console.log('All is well');  }});