Elasticsearch partial bulk update Elasticsearch partial bulk update elasticsearch elasticsearch

Elasticsearch partial bulk update

My error was to using "index", but the correct way to do what I want, was "update".

The final code is:

$params =["index" => "customer","type" => "doc","body" => [    [        "update" => [    //   ^^^^^^ Here I change from index to update            "_index" => "customer",            "_type" => "doc",            "_id" => "09310451939"        ]    ],    [        "doc" => [            "name" => "Jonathan"        ]    ]]];$client->bulk($params);

Using the code above, my data keep previous data and just update the data I passing in params.


Array(    [took] => 7    [timed_out] =>    [_shards] => Array        (            [total] => 5            [successful] => 5            [skipped] => 0            [failed] => 0        )    [hits] => Array        (            [total] => 1            [max_score] => 1            [hits] => Array                (                    [0] => Array                        (                            [_index] => customer                            [_type] => doc                            [_id] => 09310451939                            [_score] => 1                            [_source] => Array                                (                                    [name] => Jonathan                                    [age] => 23                                )                        )                )        ))

As per docs, Bulk API possible actions are index, create, delete and update. update expects that the partial doc, upsert and script and its options are specified on the next line.

POST _bulk{ "update" : {"_id" : "1", "_type" : "_doc", "_index" : "test"} }{ "doc" : {"field2" : "value2"} }

Here is my final code.

<?phprequire_once('../elasticsearch.php');//initialize elasticsearch$params = array();$params['index'] = $elastcsearch_index;$params['type']  = $elastcsearch_type;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////update seeders n leechers in elasticsearch //get updated records$get_updated_records = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT content_id, seeders, leechers FROM content WHERE is_updated = '1' order by seeders DESC") ;//create blank array$results = array();while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get_updated_records)){    //put all results in array    $results[] = $row;}   //from https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/php-api/current/_indexing_documents.html$params = ['body' => []];for($i = 0; $i < count($results); $i++) {    $params["body"][]= [            "update" => [                "_index" => $elastcsearch_index,                "_type" => $elastcsearch_type,                "_id" => $results[$i]['content_id']            ]        ];    $params["body"][]= [            "doc" => [                "seeders" => intval($results[$i]['seeders']) ,                "leechers" => intval($results[$i]['leechers']) ,            ]        ];    // Every 1000 documents stop and send the bulk request     if ($i % 1000 == 0) {        $responses = $elasticsearch->bulk($params);        // erase the old bulk request        $params = ['body' => []];        // unset the bulk response when you are done to save memory        unset($responses);    } }// Send the last batch if it existsif (!empty($params['body'])) {    $responses = $elasticsearch->bulk($params);}