elasticsearch query_string keyword search with or operator not working elasticsearch query_string keyword search with or operator not working elasticsearch elasticsearch

elasticsearch query_string keyword search with or operator not working

Try this below search query (taking same index mapping and data)

{  "from": 0,  "size": 20,  "query": {    "bool": {      "filter": [        {          "query_string": {            "query": "not_installed OR installed"          }        }      ]    }  }}

The above query gives the expected result. To know more about query_string refer to this documentation.


Elasticsearch relies on the analyzer to split everything that isin-between query operators into terms. And the analyzer on keyword fields is a keyword analyzer.

So there has to be a way to configure keyword fields so that textwould be split on whitespace at query time. Therefore,split_queries_on_whitespace parameter is added to the field thatsets a whitespace analyzer as a search analyzer when set to true.By adding this parameter and setting it to true full-text queries (match, multi_match, query_string,..) that target the field will split the input on whitespace to build the query terms.

Refer to these GitHub issues to know more about this:


In your case you need to add split_queries_on_whitespace parameter to the keyword field to split the input on whitespace when building a query for the field status. To know more about this refer to this official documentation on Keyword datatype.

Index Mapping:

Modified mapping will look like this :

{  "settings": {    "analysis": {      "analyzer": {        "default": {          "type": "custom",          "tokenizer": "whitespace",          "filter": [ "lowercase" ]        }      }    }  },  "mappings": {    "properties": {      "status": {        "type": "keyword",        "split_queries_on_whitespace": true   --> note this      }    }  }}

Search Query :

{  "from": 0,  "size": 20,  "query": {    "bool": {      "filter": [        {          "query_string": {            "query": "installed not_installed",            "default_operator":"OR"          }        }      ]    }  }}

Search Result:

"hits": [      {        "_index": "my_index",        "_type": "_doc",        "_id": "1",        "_score": 0.0,        "_source": {          "status": "not_installed"        }      },      {        "_index": "my_index",        "_type": "_doc",        "_id": "2",        "_score": 0.0,        "_source": {          "status": "installed"        }      }    ]