Elasticsearch query to return all records Elasticsearch query to return all records elasticsearch elasticsearch

Elasticsearch query to return all records

I think lucene syntax is supported so:


size defaults to 10, so you may also need &size=BIGNUMBER to get more than 10 items. (where BIGNUMBER equals a number you believe is bigger than your dataset)

BUT, elasticsearch documentation suggests for large result sets, using the scan search type.


curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/foo/_search?search_type=scan&scroll=10m&size=50' -d '{    "query" : {        "match_all" : {}    }}'

and then keep requesting as per the documentation link above suggests.

EDIT: scan Deprecated in 2.1.0.

scan does not provide any benefits over a regular scroll request sorted by _doc. link to elastic docs (spotted by @christophe-roussy)                                   ^

Note the size param, which increases the hits displayed from the default (10) to 1000 per shard.


elasticsearch(ES) supports both a GET or a POST request for getting the data from the ES cluster index.

When we do a GET:

http://localhost:9200/[your index name]/_search?size=[no of records you want]&q=*:*

When we do a POST:

http://localhost:9200/[your_index_name]/_search{  "size": [your value] //default 10  "from": [your start index] //default 0  "query":   {    "match_all": {}   }}   

I would suggest to use a UI plugin with elasticsearch http://mobz.github.io/elasticsearch-head/This will help you get a better feeling of the indices you create and also test your indices.