ElasticSearch RegExp Filter regex dash ElasticSearch RegExp Filter regex dash elasticsearch elasticsearch

ElasticSearch RegExp Filter regex dash


This is because the default analyzer usually tokenizes at -, so your field is most likey saved like:

  • MD01575254
  • 40
  • BlUE


You can update your mapping to have a sku.raw field that would not be analyzed when indexed. This will require you to delete and re-index.

{  "<type>" : {    "properties" : {      ...,      "sku" : {        "type": "string",        "fields" : {          "raw" : {"type" : "string", "index" : "not_analyzed"}        }      }    }  }}

Then you can query this new field which is not analyzed:

{  "query" : {    "regexp" : {      "sku.raw": "md01575254-40.*"    }  }}

HTTP Endpoints:

The API to delete your current mapping and data is:

DELETE http://localhost:9200/<index>/<type>

The API to add your new mapping, with the raw SKU is:

PUT http://localhost:9200/<index>/<type>/_mapping


This can also we achieved by the following query. (use .keyword next to the field)

"regexp": {"sku.keyword": "md01575254-40.*"}