ElasticSearch (search_context_missing_exception) with Search::ElasticSearch::Scroll ElasticSearch (search_context_missing_exception) with Search::ElasticSearch::Scroll elasticsearch elasticsearch

ElasticSearch (search_context_missing_exception) with Search::ElasticSearch::Scroll

The first thing that comes to mind is that the timer is not updated. Have you checked this? You can do a query every 10 seconds for example and see if at the 6th query it gives you the error ...

Well, a good rule of thumb is inside a ->next() block, don't stay by iteration more than time that you've configured in scroll.

Between each call of ->next() you cannot stay more than that time configured. If you stay more, the scroll may be not be there and the error earch_context_missing_exception will appear.

My solution for this problem was inside next block only store data into array/hash structure and once the scroll process ended work with all data.

The solution of the question example:

   # Retrieve scroll    my $scroll = $self->getScrollBySignature($item);   # Retrieve all affected documents ids    my @allDocs;   while (my @docs = $scroll->next(500)) {       push @allDocs, map {$_->{_id}} @docs   }   foreach (@allDocs) {      # Do stuff with doc   }